Future Forward: Technology Repairs And Purchases

Advantages Of A Dry Fire Detection System For Your Business

When it comes to fire detection systems, the two choices are wet and dry. Until a fire is detected, dry fire systems do not hold water. They use pressure to operate and only release water when a fire is detected. Whereas wet fire systems have traditionally been more popular, there are several reasons why a dry fire detection system might be better for your business.  Below are some of these important reasons. 

Dry Fire Systems Are Superior In Unheated Buildings

In cold buildings, wet fire systems can freeze, causing a huge hazard risk for your business. For this reason, in any building that has a temperature of 4 degrees Celcius or lower, a dry fire detection system installation is going to suit your building better. An example of this kind of building is a warehouse. Any building that is not regularly heated needs a dry fire protection system rather than a wet one, to prevent frozen and cracked pipes.

A building inspector will be able to help you decide whether a dry fire system is best for your business 

Dry Fire Detection Systems Are Better In Areas With Sensitive Equipment 

As far as damage to your building goes, it is not only cracked pipes that you need to worry about with wet fire systems. If your building contains sensitive electronic equipment, the risk of a leak with a wet fire detection system will likely not be worth the risk. 

Dry Fire Systems Prevent Damage To Your Pipes And Fittings

Wet fire systems can cause pipes to rust if the water is left sitting and stagnant for a long period of time. Erosion is an expensive damage problem that you most likely do not have the funds or the time to repair. In this case, a dry fire system will be the better choice. 

Even though dry fire systems do not have water waiting in the pipes, they, of course, still have a water system attached to them in case a fire does arise. This means that they do need to be drained regularly and checked for leaks so that they do not become a hazard in the same ways that a wet system can be. 

Whether you have a dry or wet fire set up, your system needs to be checked regularly for any leaks or cracks and annual maintenance is recommended. Talk to a professional installer about getting a dry fire detection system installation.
