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Managing Projects the Smart Way with Building System Controls

As a property owner, ensuring that your property's energy consumption is both manageable and efficient should be a priority. Most property owners get perplexed by the extent at which their property consumes necessities such as electricity, water and other mechanical materials. They incur extremely high costs from poorly installed facilities and the overall management of these facilities further gives them a hard time. But building system controls successfully address several issues simultaneously, resulting in a well maintained and run project. With building systems controls, property owners can save a great deal from their energy costs and maintenance requirements. Whether it's the hydraulic system or the electric system, building system controls will ensure optimal use at the lowest cost capable for your project. 

There are three main functions carried out by an effective control system.


Building system controls are useful for monitoring the various energy and supply systems in the building. Facilities such as hydraulic systems, electrical systems and even recycling systems will always require constant monitoring. Property owners cannot ensure twenty-four hour monitoring of these facilities. But a control system guarantees this monitoring and data collection to ensure every component incorporated in the system is always running at optimal functionality. The constant monitoring helps in quick identification and fixing of problems.


The optimization function carried out by building system controls helps in getting the best out of every facility incorporated in the system. The systems prioritize some facilities over others depending on usage and necessity while also ensuring that none is overused. Optimizing can also be viewed from the point of saving. Building control systems can, for instance, save on water usage during certain times of the day when it's less in use and then increase output when it's most needed. Such an arrangement is completely computer controlled and therefore lacks the flaws of human error.


Next to monitoring comes the function of reporting. Building system controls carry out reporting to the property owner on a constant regular basis. Reporting can be done on simple data such as overall usage of energy by the property, to complex data such as particular points causing power influxes, water wastage areas and much more. The reporting function allows for emergency control as well. Many people incorporate fire and smoke alarms in the systems as well as emergency protocols to be followed. This way, occupants of the building will clearly be guided by the system to safety. The systems also report on increases in expenditure citing specific reasons. This data is invaluable to every property owner.
